COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

Bear Paw Thaw – Outdoor State Hockey Viewing Party

Updated 3/12/2021


Bear Paw Thaw Overview

Executive Order 20-40, issued by Gov. Tim Walz on April 23, 2020, requires each business in operation during the peacetime emergency establish a “COVID-19 Preparedness Plan.”

The Bear Paw Thaw State Hockey Viewing Party is to be held on Washington Square (between 4th Street and 3rd Street) and the connecting Railroad Park, a public park (located at 4752 Hwy 61, White Bear Lake, Minnesota) on Saturday, April 3rd from 1pm-11pm.  This entire event will be in outside in the open air.

About the event:

·       We are offering this event as an opportunity for people to kick off the onset of Spring, enjoy the outdoor environment and watch the MN State Hockey championship games via a mobile video screen (transported via truck). 

·       Washington Square (between 4th and 3rd Street) will be closed to vehicles. There will be barricades located at each end of Washington Square to contain the parameters of the event.

·       There will be 20 picnic tables spread (further than six feet apart) out through Washington Square and into Railroad park.

·       Firepits will be set up (and monitored) through the park.

·       A few games of cornhole/bags will be set up in the park.

·       We will not be selling alcohol or food during this event, however attendees may bring to-go food or contained alcohol into the event area.

·       Three MN State Hockey tournaments will play from 1pm until they are finished (around 10-11pm). The large viewing screen will allow attendees to spread out safely through the designated area and still have a view of the screen.

·       If a line forms to enter the designated space, the line will be managed by volunteers and cones to indicate six feet distance between people of the same household.  


COVID-19 Preparedness Plan Bear Paw Thaw-Hockey Viewing Party

Downtown White Bear Lake, Main Street, Inc. is committed to providing a safe and healthy area for all our board members and event volunteers. To ensure that, we have developed the following Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Board members and event volunteers are all responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces, and that requires full cooperation among workers and management. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of our board members and event volunteers.

Board members and event volunteers are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this Preparedness Plan. Downtown White Bear Lake, Main Street, Inc. board members have our full support in enforcing the provisions of this policy.

Our board members and event volunteers are our most important assets. We are serious about the safety and health of our Board members and event volunteers and the general public. The Downtown White Bear Lake, Main Street, Inc. board members have been essential in the development and implementation of a successful COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. We have involved our board members and event volunteers in this process by discussions and feedback through several virtual meetings. Our Preparedness Plan follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines and federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19 and addresses:

•      hygiene and respiratory etiquette.

•      engineering and administrative controls for social distancing;

•      housekeeping – cleaning, disinfecting and decontamination;

•      prompt identification and isolation of sick persons;

•      communications and training that will be provided to managers and workers; and

•      management and supervision necessary to ensure effective implementation of the plan.

Screening and policies for employees exhibiting signs and symptoms of COVID-19

Workers have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Training will be held via Zoom prior to the event.

On each day, board members and volunteers will self-assess if they may have COVID-19, using the Minnesota Department of Health survey:




1.     Do you feel sick or do you have any of the following symptoms of COVID-19?

  • Fever of 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, or feeling feverish

  • New cough

  • Shortness of breath

  • Chills

  • Headache

  • Muscle pain

  • Sore throat

  • Fatigue

  • Congestion

  • Loss of taste or smell

2.     Have you cared for or have you had close contact within the last 14 days with someone who has COVID-19 or who has symptoms of COVID-19?

  • Volunteers will not attend if they answer Yes to any of the questions on the checklist.

  • Volunteers will leave the designated event area if they develop any of the symptoms of COVID-19 from the checklist during the market day.

  • Anyone with onset of possible COVID-19 symptoms at the event area will immediately don a cloth mask or face shield and keep it on until they have exited the area.

Managing Occupancy

  • Reservations/ Registration will be required.

  • Reservations will be handled via Downtown White Bear Lake database software.

  • Reservations will include registrant acknowledgement of Covid-19 Policy for this event.

  • Contact information will be collected for all registrants.

  • Check in will be required at time of reservation.

  • Board members and volunteers will be on site at entry points to help with occupancy.

Overall Policies

1.     Downtown White Bear Lake, Main Street, Inc. will provide protective equipment and supplies, such as source control face coverings, gloves, hand-sanitizer, disinfectants, and provide training when required and on proper use.

2.     There will be no vendors.

3.     All picnic tables will be at least six feet apart.

4.     All volunteers will be required to wear a mask outside.

5.     Hand washers will be available.

6.     Hand-sanitizer will be available free to all.

7.     Volunteers will manage the wait line at 6 feet a part and not more than 375 people will be allowed in the designated event area.

8.     Volunteers will be monitoring the social distancing.

9.     Volunteers will utilize radios for efficient and clear communication throughout the event.

10.  Signage throughout the parks will serve as a reminder to use hand-sanitizer, wash hands, wear a mask and social distance.


Basic infection prevention measures are being implemented at this event. Volunteers/Workers are instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently throughout the day, but especially at the beginning and end of their shift, prior to any mealtimes and after using the toilet. Hand washers will be available by the tent locations and hand-sanitizer will be available free to all.

Respiratory etiquette:  Cover your cough or sneeze

Workers and visitors are being instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing and to avoid touching their face, in particular their mouth, nose, and eyes, with their hands. They should dispose of tissues in the trash and wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward. Respiratory etiquette will be demonstrated on posters and supported by making tissues and trash receptacles available to all workers and visitors. We will have reminder signage up as well as volunteers to remind visitors to follow this protocol.

Social distancing

Social distancing is being implemented in the designated event area through the following engineering and administrative controls:  

·       Signage will be placed throughout the event area to remind folks to follow social distancing protocol in the park.

·       Volunteers will be walking the park to remind folks to follow social distancing protocol in the park.


Regular housekeeping practices are being implemented and will include routine cleaning and disinfecting of all work surfaces.

Communications and training

This Preparedness Plan will be communicated to all volunteers/workers and necessary training will be provided.

Certified by:
Danielle Rode
Vice President, Downtown White Bear Lake, Main Street Inc.


Appendix A – Guidance for a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan


Department of Health – Outdoor Seating


Respiratory etiquette:  Cover your cough or sneeze

Social distancing


Employees exhibiting signs and symptoms of COVID-19
